Saturday, April 27, 2013


     This post is in no way running related. Today, a yearning in my heart for bygone days is leaving me with a nostalgic, happy heartache. While not a good verbal communicator, I feel the need to express this tugging instead of repress it. Writing is my chosen medium, you my unwitting, unlucky audience.

     Houses and apartments mean nothing unless they are filled not by things, but by those you love and even some you cannot stand to be around. Human interaction, good or bad, is the driving force of our world. Without it, nothing would get done and there would be no need for it. Living would become a bleak existence, composed of a relationship with one's self and (hopefully) God. However, even God would frown upon this mode of survival. As Christians we are to be interacting with folks, speaking and proclaiming His salvation from our sin nature. There would be no purpose to His creation. We would founder and disappear.
     Extended periods of solitude are used as punishment in most societies. Leaving one alone with himself often leads to derangement and, in the worst cases, suicidal tendencies.The need for human interaction is programmed into our DNA. What else would cause a governing body to utilize such a cruelty against an offender?
     Luckily or unluckily, whatever stand you take, we have the opportunity to interact with other humans every second of our waking lives. Even in our sleep. Interaction does not solely include verbal and ignore all others. Touch, sight and even taste are included, of course the latter in the more romantic of settings.
     I count myself lucky, or more truthfully: blessed. The interactions I've had throughout my short lifespan have given me so much and taken absolutely nothing. Whether it be nonsensical blabbering between friends, holding of hands, a hug, a deep, meaningful conversation or silent respect for the individual you are with, it is all a way to give and to share. Even arguments, ugly and unseemly as they often are, do not take anything. You may leave damaging scars, both physical and emotional in nature, but nothing ever leaves you. Nothing is taken. Ideas are shared, love is shared, hate is shared, a touch is shared by the invasive fingertip and the receiving nerve ending.
     I have shared much. I have doled out ideas, stories, laughter, facts, hugs, touches and far too many scars. However, no matter how much I have given, I have received ten-fold in return. I do not speak in respect of hurt; that is not my chosen perception of life experiences. I speak in terms of all the good that those whom I have had the pleasure of knowing have bestowed on me.
     My memory is filled with people I love and have loved me in return. Even those who would not share air with me have given me much. Most of those individuals don't know the impact they've had on my everyday existence. All I can do is reach out and thank them. That won't be nearly enough.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

An Education

Johnson's Hollow was there before I knew it. We had already slogged up the side of Humble Hill and torn down the other side in the worst, quad-pounding descent of the day. The switch backs towards the top help to condition your legs and rest your over stretched calf muscles, but quickly give way to a straight drop half of the way down. Under the downed tree, up and down the unrealistically difficult knoll, across the downed trees and here we are. The hollow was a welcomed reprieve from the wind and intermittent snow flurries that welcomed us at the gates of the blustery hell we had entered.
Compared with last year, the creek was the perfect height. Compared with the Year of the Monsoon, water levels were down. I am a firm believer that every trail should include at least one good creek crossing. Given the right sock/shoe setup, it can be a great cool-off for wrecked feet. Thankfully, Hyner provides its runners with enough that I lose count trying hard not to end up belly down in the cold stream.
Aside from the View, Johnson is the most scenic section of course. If you have the good fortune of being alone, if only for a few moments, running through Johnson, you can truly experience the trail. The roots dug up by the spring snow melt, the moss and the rocks amalgamate into a gnarly, somewhat treacherous welcome mat to the woods. The steep walls and pines of the hollow give you the altruistic feeling of solidarity and smallness that great forests unrelentingly provide to any lucky enough to find themselves in the midst of endless old growth trees.
The 2013 Hyner is my third foray into the course. My first assault came my senior year of college. I had never before so much as touched a trail with more than a 2% grade. This fact, coupled with my $30 pair of internet-bought, clearance Sauconys led to a bad time. Not in respect to hours and minutes, but to mental and physical duress I hadn't experienced up until that point. The rain, the snow, the wind, the cramps and the rocks must have awakened the masochist inside of me however. It took two weeks, but it finally hit me that underneath all of the relentless pain I had enjoyed every second of the race. Except for Post Draft. I still hate Post Draft. There is nothing redeeming about that section of trail. By that point, even the fact that it is a downhill grade is utterly discouraging. Throw in the most unseemly gaggle of odd shaped and loose rocks, and you have what I consider to be the worst section of trail I've come across. It's placement in the middle of the Hyner Challenge is perfect.
The second year I was cramping so bad by the top of Johnson Hollow that nothing I took in and no amount of static or dynamic stretching helped. I missed my time goal by 2 minutes. My legs would seize and hold for 1-2 minutes straight. I couldn't even make it up the little step from the jeep road on top of SOB back onto the single track without two minutes of gut wrenching cramping. Dry heaving, holding onto trees is an embarrassing way to finish a race. Even so, I probably would have made my cut-off had that little devil of a hill before the finish not sent my whole body into panic mode again. "He's trying to climb again! Stop him!"
With marriage, a home purchase, a 3rd trick job and small business ownership comes greatly reduced training opportunities. My take on training has greatly changed from what it was in years prior. I am now a quality v. quantity runner. If I get off of third shift and feel like a run, I'll go and enjoy every second. If I go and feel like garbage, I'll turn around. Many times I don't even try. However, I believe this has led me to a great place! I no longer do "junk" miles. There are days I sleep in with my wife until it is time for her to go to work. I'm not out doing the same course I hate every morning. When I go for a run, I go. What I mean by this is that I am totally IN to the run. I enjoy it again, something I had feared I lost.
I delve into this to explain my race strategy for this year's race: I had none. I wanted to have fun. I wanted to enjoy the scenery, get a little wet, a little chatty with the other participants and enjoy every second. I did this, to surprising result. At the top of Johnson, i felt great. At the end of post draft, where I locked up for 5 straight minutes last year, I felt even better. I was even running up the horseshoe and switchbacks to SOB. Well... sort of, kind of. It was a Hyner sort of run/hike interval.
The aid station at the top of SOB held some much needed cheering, a fill up of the handheld and the most savory, melt in your mouth of trail foodstuffs: PB&J. On white bread, it always has to be on white bread. This is the food of kings!
The jeep roads were all covered in double time, and even the problem spot from last race was no issue. It was smooth sailing until the last knoll before the trail drops back onto the hardtop. That, coupled with a few calf teaser cramps and a full on abductor lock up, induced a slow traverse of the bridge and the uphill to the finish. Still, all in all, I was very happily surprised that the third number on the clock was not a 4, but was indeed a 1, followed by a 2. I had bested last year's finish of 3:32 by almost 20 minutes exactly.
I do not say this as a pat on the back or to brag. There are men and women twice my age finishing this race in under three hours. Race times should be nothing but a personal watermark to further self determination and betterment. I tell you this to relay to you a simple revelation that I have proven, in anecdote, to myself through my last few race endeavors.
Whether it be a 50 mile that you only trained up to 18 miles for, or a 16 mile after a very harsh winter of almost no trail running and very few road miles, it is true that mental preparedness and a good attitude are pertinent to finishing and finishing well. I am not saying don't train, I'm saying don't train to exhaustion. Don't turn your hobby into a job. Don't let it bother you that you missed your morning run because you slept in beside your wife. The trail will be there tomorrow. Life is experienced both on and off the trail. During a run and during an injury. Balance is key.
In all things, enjoy every second. The moment of silence observed at the start of the race speaks volumes that no words could as simply and extensively convey. Our bodies, although tough, are fragile, as is the line between life and death. It is easily traversed in the hardest and easiest of circumstances. Don't live in fear of this fact, but live with a passing awareness of it. Know your opponent but keep him at a distance.
That is the point of this. It is not a report, necessarily. It's a look back at the growth of a trailrunner.

This is my last Hyner 25k. From here on, I will either be taking on the 50k or providing the PB&J for others taking on their challenge. The Hyner helped to solidify an idea in my head. It rounded out my education. The challenge is no longer their. The trails are just as rugged, the hills as steep, but I have learned what I can from them.

For that, I thank God and his amazing creation, the directors and volunteers of every capacity. Thank you, I owe you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Dissertation

If you haven't heard it already, you will hear it eventually. "No more races for you, huh?" "How do you think those runners feel? Losing their family members because they were running a stupid race?" "You better not go  to (enter spring marathon here) in a couple weeks!"

What utter cowardice.

Who do people think we are? One (or possibly more) disturbed individual wreaks havoc at our most prestigious race and we are expected to simply quit? To hang up our shoes in defeat? Quite the opposite!

We don't back down from 20 milers in the freezing cold. We don't back down from speed work and hills. We don't back down when every sinew in our bodies scream "STOP!!" If torn muscles and a hard case of runner's knee doesn't keep us off the road, no much will. For many, running is not just a sport or a hobby. It is a part of our lives. It is a way to cope with stress, family and work. It engages our creativity and makes us happier, gentler people. For many, running is as essential to daily life as driving to work.

We will not be forced into submission by this one event. It defines neither the marathon nor the general population. Before the dust had settled, bystanders were applying tourniquets and running to donate blood. That is the type of people we are.

Let the few live in fear. We will show up, band-aids on our nipples, Body Glide on our thighs and a prayer in our hearts and minds. Defiant to tyranny.